Eph 5:21
Eph 5:21 submitting to one another in the fear of God.
This is a perfect picture of what the church is supposed
to look like. Having the each member of the body serving each other and
submitting to one another is exactly how Christ lived and is the ideal lifestyle
of those who serve Christ. As for me, I would say it’s even harder to submit to
other members of the body rather than to God himself. I can say, "They are
sinners too, why do I have to submit to them? Why can't I just do whatever I
want and listen to God alone?" But I don't find anywhere in the bible
where Jesus says, "Why do I have to serve these sinners? I'm not going to
submit to those who won't submit to me." But as to me, I struggle to
submit to those even in the body of Christ, where we have all in common. But
Jesus submitted to those who he knew they would reject him and would even
physically nail him on a cross and kill Him but Jesus still submitted to them
even as God. This speaks worlds to me as one who wants to do anything I want
and only what I want.
---------- APPLICATION ----------
For my application I am going to serve my roommate Kenny in
anything he asks for without questioning
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