Joh 12:26 If anyone serves Me,
let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone
serves Me, him My Father will honor.
Juan 12:26 El que
quiera servirme, debe seguirme; y donde yo este, alli tambien estara el que me
sirve. Al que me sirva mi padre lo honara.
One of
the parts I really took notice to in this verse is the part that says "and
where I am, there my servant will be also." This is convicting to me,
Jesus isn't saying be my servant and go where you want. He's saying be my
servant and FOLLOW ME. He could send me to the worst places that I would NEVER
go to on my own, but I haven't been called to have a life of my own. My life
has been placed into the hands of Jesus, it is no longer my own. This means
that when Jesus goes to the place I REALLY don't want to, that is what I'm
called to go to. A couple of places comes up off the top of my head. And it's
funny because Potter's Field is one of the places that God called me to but I
didn't want to go. Even after I decided to go I still didn't want to. I'm so
glad I decided to stay faithful to what God has called me to because he's used
Potter's Field in many ways to completely change my heart. All glory be to God.
I think of Jonah. He was called to ninavah and he ran away from God's calling.
God ended up
---------- APPLICATION ----------
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