1Ti 4:8  For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come.


1 Timoteo 4:8    Esta' bien que te ejercites fi'sicamente, pero es mucho major que te ejercites para vivir piadosamente, ya que que esto es u'til para todo, te ayudara'en esta vida y tambien en la venidera.


                Exercising "godliness" "piedad" is so much harder than exercising our body. Exercising godliness is keeping ourselves dead and stomping the life out of our flesh. And that isn't feelingless. We feel every sacrifice and every stomp on our flesh and it hurts but that is what exercising godliness or piedad means. What that looks like in my life Is not getting that sleep I want. Waking up at 5 is stomping on that flesh that would typically thrive by sleeping in till 6:30. And every single time I wake up at 5 God blesses it more than I could even ask. In my prayers at that time I ask God that he would give me energy through the day. That I wouldn't be tiered during the classes and that  would be focused and take a lot out rather than spend my energy just holding my eyes open. And he does every single time. He blesses me every morning in my devos by revealing himself and giving me his word and I can genuinely feel unalone. It's pretty cool.


---------         APPLICATION          ----------


                For my application. In my run tomorrow I'm going to pray during it to both exercise my body and my spirit.


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