Mar 4:10  Later, when Jesus was alone with the twelve disciples and with the others who were                                                                            gathered around, they asked Him what the parables meant.

Mar 4:11  He replied, "You are permitted to understand the secret of the Kingdom of God. But I use parables for everything I say to outsiders,


Marcos 4:10-11     Despue's, a solas con los doce y los que estaban alrededorde e'l, le preguntaron que' quiso decir con aquella para'bola.

E'l les respondi'o: "A ustedes se les ha concedido conocer el secreto del rieno de Dios; pero a los que esta'n fuera se les dice todo por medio de para'bolas."


                It's crazy that Jesus permits us to understand the Kingdom of God. What business do I have knowing eternity and perfection when I am a sinner? But thankfully for me, the Father doesn’t see me as a sinner anymore. He sees Jesus in me. And Jesus acknowledges that all my sins are cast as far as the east is from the west. And he has now given me this knowledge that I can understand the secret of the Kingdom of God. It's a blessing that I can't take any credit for. And it's something that those who are unbelievers can't see into.


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