Mat 8:26  And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.


Mateo 8:26    Y El les contesto': "Por que tienen miedo, hombres de poca fe?" Entonces Jesu's se levanto', reprendio' a los vientos y al mar y sobrevino una gran calma.


                I can easily look at these disciples and judge them for having little faith. I can say, "they have spent so much time with Jesus and seen miracles that no one have seen before. They walk with Jesus and fellowshipped with Him. They know him better than anyone else at that time. And they were scared when He was only but inches away from him?" But then I take a good look at my life. I fear at so many pathetic things, even though I know that Jesus is with me. Even fearing things that might hurt my pride but will be best for the kingdom of heaven. Like how Julio made the "no English" rule in our room. It's not comfortable yes, but I am scared to mess up around him because it hurts my pride I guess. Us solely talking in Spanish is going to help me learn a lot. It already has in these last seven days. I need to completely lose the idea that I WILL/SHOULD/AM GOING to fear anything other than God. Because I have zero reason to fear. If God is with me, who shall I fear? My own pride?? Nunca



----------          APPLICATION          ----------



                For my application I will only talk to Julio in Spanish along with Natalia.


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