Php 3:8  Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ
Filipenses 3:8   Es ma's, todo lo consider una pe'rdida comparado con el supremo valor de conocer a Christo Jesu's, mi sen~or. Por e'l lo he perdido todo y lo consider basura con tal de ganar a Christo.
"All things" is a lot of things. But no matter how many translations I look at, or languages,,, It all means all. In Greek it is πᾶς pas pas. Or in Spanish "perdido todo". Paul is making is clear that God is better than "all" else. I say with all my breath "AMEN", until I get wifi. Then when someone is praying for a really long time it starts to move me. I put wifi over a time dedicated with looking and seeking/talking to God face to face. And that means that I don't call all things rubbish or basura.


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